Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why did Lutheranism appeal to the Princes?

The Princes by that time liked the idea of Lutheranism; the word comes from the Priest's name 'Martin Luther'. The Princes were from Northern Germany. They liked Lutheranism because it had many benefits for them.

Martin Luther supported the Princes by saying "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar". Lutheranism gave people power. He did not support the Church because of what they did. He even wrote a list called the '95 Thesis' and nailed it to the church's door.

The Princes controlled more land because the Church's power decreased so they took their land. They also shut down monasteries. In the end, they became richer and more powerful.

That led to greater political power for the princes, so they appointed their own minister and became more powerful than the Church.

The princes got more taxes because peasants and all the other people paid more. No more ecclesiastical dues for the Church.

To conclude, the princes in the end became richer and more powerful and Martin Luther was one of the main reasons the Church became less powerful so they took over.

1 comment:

  1. 78/100 - You have the basic outline but this lacks details and does not include all the main points needed for a complete argument. Eg Why did appointing own ministers lead to them being more powerful?

    T - Work on expanding answer
